The government is poised to enhance broadcasting services across India by conducting a new auction of FM radio stations this year, with a particular focus on reaching Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. Information and Broadcasting Secretary Apurva Chandra unveiled this initiative during the Broadcast Engineering Society Expo, underscoring the importance of extending radio coverage beyond the current 60% of the country.
Chandra emphasized the government’s commitment through the Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network Development (BIND) Scheme, which has been allocated Rs 2,500 crore over four years. This scheme aims to bolster Prasar Bharati’s reach, specifically targeting areas affected by Left-wing extremism, border regions, and strategic zones. The funding will support infrastructure development for public sector broadcasting entities like All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan (DD).
Moreover, the government is exploring innovative broadcasting technologies, including trials of direct-to-mobile television broadcasting. Collaborating with IIT-Kanpur and Sankhya Labs, Chandra mentioned the installation of transmitters along Kartavya Path and nearby areas to enable television signals to be received directly on mobile devices. This groundbreaking technology offers promising prospects for expanding the accessibility of television media to a wider audience.